Terms and ConditionsOur Terms of Service
The Maungatapere Water Company, the owner of the Maungatapere Irrigation Scheme, supplies irrigation water to water users under terms set out in the Water Supply Agreement (WSA).
It is acknowledged that, as set out in clause 2.4 of the WSA, the water supplied by the company is NOT a potable supply (not fit for human consumption) and the water users are responsible for the treatment of water from the scheme.
Connection Fees
The basic cost of the water meter assembly is $3,850 plus GST. There may be variations to this depending upon the amount of pipe work required to connect your property to the scheme.
Water Supply Options:
Annual capacity fee from 1 July to 30 June - $1,125 + GST. This allows you to draw up to 375m³ water in the financial year, thereafter you pay $3.00 per m³.
To have a shareholder supply you must own a minimum of two shares in the company. Shares cost $6,500 each effective from 1 July 2017.
Some new areas of the scheme will also be liable for a pipeline contribution in addition to the basic share price.
(Please note share prices and annual capacity fees can change without notice).Annual capacity fee from 1 July to 30 June for 2 shares - $2,100 + GST. This allows you to draw up to 750m³ water in the financial year, thereafter you pay 0.70c per m³ + GST.
Additional shares may be available depending on which reservoir your water is supplied from and your irrigable land area. Each additional share increases your annual capacity fee and entitlement.
Shares Capacity Fee
m³Hourly Drawdown 2 2,250.00 750 2.08 3 3,375.00 1125 3.12 4 4,500.00 1500 4.16 Each share allows you to draw 25m³ over 24 hours (1.04m³/hour)
Please refer to the back of your WSA under the Shareholder Schedule.
Pipeline Contributions
From 1 October 2003 where the company charges a premium for extending a line such as Whatitiri, whatever was set as the contribution from landowners for that extension-related back to a per-share equivalent is to be incorporated into the meter connection charge for any subsequent new connections to that scheme extension. Whatitiri extension - $2,750 plus shares.
Meter Connection
Your meter connection tap is a 40mm female gate valve. This tap is outside the meter box and is for you to turn on/off to control your water. The water meter and assembly is the property of Maungatapere Water Company Ltd and is maintained by the company. Any damage caused by the water user is charged to the water user.
Water Loss (Refer clause 4.8 WSA)
Any water loss on your side of the meter is your responsibility and you will be charged for the usage.
Meter Box
The area around the meter box must be kept clear at all times of trees etc so we have easy access to it for meter readings, etc.
Water Leakage
Any knowledge of leakage, reservoir overflow, wastage or vandalism should be reported directly to the Scheme Manager. He will take any action necessary and your information will be appreciated.
Sale of Property
Remember if you are selling your property to notify Robbie to arrange for a final meter reading. You are responsible for water until the Company is notified of a change in ownership and a final meter reading is taken. The Company does not recognise a change of ownership until it has received a signed share transfer form to effect the transfer. Shares are usually transferred to the new owner or sold at the discretion of the company. You will need to contact the company if your shares are not going to be transferred to the purchaser of your property.
Easements (Refer Clause 7 WSA)
Please be aware of scheme pipelines running through your property and the easements associated with them. The Company needs to have unimpeded access to maintain these lines and shelterbelts should not be allowed to encroach into this area. If you are not sure where the pipes run please contact the Scheme Manager to avoid potential problems in the future. Any damage caused to our pipes will be charged to the landowner.
Costs and Efficiencies
The major cost to supply water is the cost of electricity to run various pumping stations. We have installed controls in all pump stations to take advantage of reduced off-peak rates (approximately 30% less – therefore the more water pumped during the night (11 pm to 7 am)), the less the total electricity charges will be to the company. Currently, the company does not charge a day/night water rate but who knows what the future may bring. Something to keep in mind if installing new or modifying existing irrigation systems! We would like you to irrigate as much as possible during the night (11 pm to 7 am).
Cross Connections (Refer Clause 10.1 WSA)
It is important that water is not supplied to neighbouring properties as this could cause a cross connection between our high and low pipeline systems.
Click on below links to download the files
1. Company Information Sheet
2. Shareholder Water Supply Agreement
3. Non-Shareholder Water Supply Agreement
4. Application for Shares
5. Understanding Your Water Entitlement
6. Maungatapere Water Co Client Sheet